Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Wednesday's Words of Wisdom

Christmas Gift Idea - Organize Now!
I know, I know... Mary Beth, are you really talking about Christmas gifts in March??  Yes, I am and it is all because this is not only a great gift idea, but it involves being organized throughout the year to accomplish this gift.  I am sure you have all seen or purchased really neat calendars with personal photos for each month.  This is a great idea, but how many of us start looking around Thanksgiving for a 12 pictures from the year of memories?  I am one of the guilty ones.  

I always have felt rushed to get this great idea to take shape for our parents.  Then, once you find the pictures, now you have to upload them and get them into a calendar format.  

All this extra stress can easily be avoided by organizing pictures in your computer.  Simply take a few extra moments as you are are downloading pictures from your camera to place the pictures in month folders on your desktop or Photos folder.  

You can even take it the next step and label folders within the month.  If you have a few extra moments, pull out a few photos and place them in a 2011 Christmas Calendar folder that you have created.  By the end of the year, you will not only have all your photos organized, but also be able to quickly and easily create those beautiful calendars that grandparents love.  

I have ordered our calendars through online sites such as Shutterfly, Kodak, or Snapfish, (all calendar images on this post are from one of those sites) but you can easily take your pictures to your local Walgreens or Walmart for beautiful calendars that will make Christmas morning so special!

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