Life is about sharing the gifts and talents we possess with others. Using the gift I have been given to record life's moments with those around me is something I get pure enjoyment from! The feelings inside me that come from giving of myself and the families I have met, makes it all too clear why I have been called to be in this profession. It is a calling you know...what you are meant to do. It is that inner voice that quietly speaks. It may take time to listen to that voice or hear what God is calling you to do......but once you surrender yourself to what you are truly meant to do with your life, it is the most liberating feeling!
I am a part of the "Littlest Heroes" program that gives free sessions and portraits to families with children who have an illness or special need. These children are truly "Little Heroes" and their families are going through things I cannot even imagine having to deal with on a daily basis. I recently had the opportunity to spend some time with the McBride Family and their "Little Hero" - Andrew!
Andrew was diagnosed with Leigh's Disease around the time he turned 2. He was a normal little boy up until that point. Leigh's Disease is a rare neurometabolic disorder that damages the central nervous system. There currently is no cure for this disease, so each day is a gift!
He and his family have never had a family portrait done, because he cannot get out much. They have to be very careful about germs with Andrew. It was such a pleasure to meet them and little Andrew! What made it even more perfect, was that Lisa ( his mom) had her mother and two sisters in town to share in the portrait experience too!Andrew and his family have made an imprint on my heart and I feel so blessed to have been able to record a special moment for this family. Here are some shots from my visit! If you know of a family that has a "Little Hero", feel free to contact me!
First news hits, then a big belly, water breaks,
ReplyDeleteSeeing you for the first time, makes my heart ache.
You have high Apgar scores, and assurance of healthy lives, Watching you grow becoming who you will be, your own ways and personality. You are changing everyday, I'm so proud, And your screaming and playing is really getting loud! Mother's Day 2008, a day that we will never appreciate. Respiratory distress, Urgent care bound. Unfortunately, it's nothing they found. We need to be tranported by ambulance to emergency care, You will be better off, they can help you there. The lights and siren, speeding to the emergency room, the whole time thinking, I hope we get there soon. Mom is following close, she is a nervous wreck, I am too, but I have to keep it in check, I have to hold it together, for sake of Andrew, as he is on my chest, struggling to breathe with tubes. We arrive soon enough, waiting for an explaination, but it comes with much greater complication. ICU is upstairs and he has to go, they can better handle the problem as we don't know. Everyone's scared imaginations running wild, Will someone please tell me what's wrong with my child! Seven days later, specialists are briefed. They enter the room with looks of defeat. Sugar coated, sweet talkin' can't fake the truth inside. Be honest and tell me the facts you try to hide. Andrew has a disease that kills the brain, so take him home and enjoy him just the same. He doesn't have much time, from what we all can agree, but nevermind the news that creates this misery. We leave the hospital dazed, still trying to grasp reality, asking if it's true about the possibility of fatality. Death is iminent, but not sure when or even why, nothing left to do but hold him tight and cry. I refused to accept this news of Andrew's looming fate, I researched and found different paths that we can take. With much resistance from doc's who were unwilling to help or even try, I explained there is no alternative, or he will die. They all concured and they wished the best of luck, So I took my sick child, and felt completely stuck. With treatments I found, he is still here today, I believed I have helped him in a big way. We will still fight this, although the end may be sad, But, that's what separates the men from the Dad's.
I Love You more than life, son.
So touching Chris....WOW, what a Father's love can do!!