Friday, September 6, 2013

    Fabulous Fun Tip Friday
      September 6th, 2013

When it's time for homework are your kids always asking, "Mom where's a pencil? " 
or "Mom I need scissors and crayons?".
 Do they need to find glue for that fabulous school project, but it is no where to be found.....
Well, I have a solution for is a homework caddy and you can quite possibly make it for free as I did!!

I took an empty 6 pack bottle cardboard carrier and put plastic cups in the four corner pockets and filled them with some scissors, pencils and pens, crayons and glue. In the two middle ones I put a larger scissors ( for older children) and a stapler. I like this holder, because it has a cute Fall pumpkin on it, but you could wrap it with colorful paper to decorate it. It is easy peasy( is that even a word?) and homework will take less time, because you will spend less time looking for items. 
Plus, it's easy to store and children can carry it!! 
If you don't have access to a bottle carrier, you can always go through a drive through restaurant and order several drinks and ask for a cup carrier and do the same thing with it. 
If you LOVE this tip, share it with a friend!! 

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